Friday 26 March 2010

The Labrador Retriever: What Makes Them a Special Dog Breed

If you are looking for a dog that is going to neatly fit into your family, a Labrador Retriever just might be the perfect pet for you. This is a dog breed that seems to love everyone and everything. This dog breed is perfect for families that are active, as they enjoy walking, running and playing.

When you begin to research the various breeds of dogs, you will find in the dog breed profile for the Labrador Retriever that this dog breed is loyal. The overall temperament of a Labrador Retriever is loving, devoted, faithful, energetic and often referred to as a puppy throughout their lives. This dog breed is exceptional at swimming and most outdoor activities.

As you will find in the dog breed profile, Labrador Retrievers are excellent at agility and many enjoy hunting with their owners. This dog breed is one that is alert and aware of its surroundings at all times. However, they do not make good watch dogs as they are too friendly and desire attention, unfortunately, this affection can come from a stranger.

If you are seeking to bring a new dog into your home, and a Labrador Retriever is the dog breed you are leaning towards, you need to keep in mind the demands of having an energetic dog. You will need to make sure your Lab gets plenty of daily exercise, as they can and will become lazy and overweight without exercise.

As with any dog breed it is important that the Labrador Retriever is socialized early on with other animals, people and situations. Begin your training as soon as you bring your Labrador Retriever home. It is imperative that you teach this dog breed the rules in your home. They can be chewers and love to carry items in their mouth. Provide acceptable items for your Labrador Retriever to chew on and play with. If you don’t you might find that your loving puppy has decided to hide one of your favorite sneakers out in the yard somewhere.

There are some health issues that are common in older Labrador Retrievers. Hip dysplasia is one of the most common concerns in elderly Labs. However, this is not a health related issue that is only common with this dog breed. Many of the larger dog breeds are predisposed to joint related issues as they age.

The overall grooming needs of a Labrador Retriever are not overwhelming. You will need to brush a Labrador Retriever on a weekly basis to promote a healthy and shiny coat. Nails will need to be clipped as needed. The nails will need to be clipped more frequently on a dog that is not well exercised as they are unable to wear their nails down naturally. Bathing will vary depending on the typical activities of the dog. If your Labrador Retriever swims often and plays in the mud you will need to bathe him more often than a dog that does not partake in those activities.

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